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Generation West Virginia equips young West Virginians with key skills and career opportunities, ensuring their ability to thrive in the Mountain State.

Applications are open for Cohort 10!

       Interested in applying for NewForce’s tuition-free Data Analytics training program?
       Applications are open now until October 14th!

Our Work

Our workforce development hub connects local job seekers and employers in order to increase access to opportunity in the Mountain State.

The GWV Fellowship is a nine-month program designed to help emerging and mid-career professionals find their footing in West Virginia.

NewForce is a six-month, fully-remote, tuition-free tech-training school. Our goal is to build a tech economy in West Virginia that works for everyone.

We strengthen broadband work that’s happening in communities by filling in capacity gaps and facilitating partnerships across private, public, and nonprofit sectors.



is calling you?

Nima Shahab Shahmir found his path and found his people in West Virginia. He is an alum of Generation West Virginia’s GWV Fellowship program and NewForce. Nima is proud to be part of the Mountain State’s next generation.

Nima Shahab Shamir




Mark your calendar for a day of engaging conversations that dive into the deep end of the issues surrounding West Virginia’s workforce. Hear from influential West Virginians who are working on these problems and presenting real-life solutions that are working. The day will be capped off with a reception for the organic networking that we all crave.

Attendees will walk away full of ideas to bring to their organizations, inspired and hopeful for the future of the Mountain State and those who want to make it the best place to call home.

Sign up here to stay in the know.

Interested in sponsoring or serving on a panel? Contact Alex Weld, Executive Director:  [email protected]