Generation West Virginia (GWV), the statewide organization dedicated to attracting, retaining, and advancing young people in the Mountain State, is currently accepting applications for the GWV Fellowship program. This program is focused on equipping young professionals with the skills needed to advance their careers and grow as future leaders in West Virginia.
The GWV Fellowship utilizes a four-pronged approach to create pathways for young professionals in West Virginia: development, connection, exploration, and advancement. Throughout the program, Fellows participate in five in-person and four virtual sessions held at various locations throughout the Mountain State. These sessions allow Fellows to hone their skills, learn from industry leaders, build lasting relationships with their peers, and deepen their appreciation for the history and beauty of West Virginia.
One of the program’s participants is Clayton Harkins, a 31-year-old associate in the Charleston office of Dinsmore & Shohl. He specializes in commercial litigation and handles cases spanning various industries, including banking, energy and natural resources, insurance, and waste management.
“I am thankful to my firm, Dinsmore & Shohl, for recognizing the value of the Fellowship and investing in my professional development by sponsoring my participation in the program,” Harkins said. “The GWV Fellowship provided me the opportunity to form lasting connections with fellow West Virginians from across the state and across industries, and has led me to recognize the power of collective collaboration in driving positive change within our communities.”
“At GWV, we’re on a mission to empower the young workforce of West Virginia and reverse the trend of young people leaving our state. Our Fellowship program helps retain our young professionals by providing them with the tools they need to flourish in their careers right here in the Mountain State,” said Alex Weld, executive director of Generation West Virginia.
Applications for the upcoming class will close in April 2024. Generation West Virginia welcomes applications from prospective Fellows, as well as inquiries from employers interested in sponsoring an employee for the GWV Fellowship. To learn more about this transformative program and how to get involved, visit generationwv.org/fellowship.
About Generation West Virginia
Generation West Virginia is a statewide organization dedicated to attracting, retaining, and advancing young people in the Mountain State. The organization accomplishes this by connecting young people to jobs and opportunities in the Mountain State; providing accessible programs and educational tools that empower and inspire young leaders; developing and sustaining an activated, diverse network of young people; and identifying and communicating the priorities, motivations, and needs of the next generation of West Virginians. For more information, visit generationwv.org.