Generation West Virginia Publishes Digital Equity Plans for 18 Counties

The county digital equity plans were unveiled at the 2024 West Virginia Broadband Summit on Oct. 22 in Charleston. Pictured are Annie Stroud, GWV Broadband Director; Lucas Lemonds, ACC AmeriCorps Member; and Ryan Palmer, Microsoft Airband Global Digital Equity Strategist, at the Summit. Microsoft Airband is a supporter of GWV’s digital equity work.

Generation West Virginia (GWV) is pleased to announce the completion of digital  equity plans for 18 counties throughout West Virginia. These plans, created through collaboration with  community members, are intended to improve digital access, affordability, and skills based on each  community’s needs. Plans have been created for the following counties: Barbour, Boone, Braxton,  Calhoun, Clay, Fayette, Gilmer, Lincoln, Logan, McDowell, Mingo, Nicholas, Roane, Summers,  Webster, Wetzel, Wirt, and Wyoming. 

The digital equity plans aim to equip local stakeholders with resources and tools to address gaps in  broadband access and improve digital literacy in their communities. This work was made possible  through funding by the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) through the Connect Humanity  Appalachia Digital Accelerator project. Partners in this project include the West Virginia Department of  Economic Development Office of Broadband Digital Equity Team, local Digital Equity Steering  Committees, and Regional Optical Communications.

“The people on the ground, in the community, are the ones who most keenly feel and understand  the barriers, and often, have the best ideas on how to address them. This project gives county  partners the tools they need to find funds for expanding digital inclusion efforts on the local level,”  said Annie Stroud, GWV Broadband Director. 

The Digital Equity Plans will provide these counties with a comprehensive guide for expanding digital  inclusion programs and applying for necessary state and federal funding. A key opportunity will be  Digital Equity Subgrants, which are expected to be available through the West Virginia Office of  Broadband in Early 2025. These plans offer a roadmap for communities to improve their broadband  infrastructure and bridge the digital divide, ultimately helping counties develop strategic yet  sustainable solutions. 

“By addressing local barriers to internet adoption with local solutions, city or county level digital  equity plans are an important part of closing the digital divide. As the West Virginia Office of  Broadband is preparing to allocate $1.2 billion in federal funding toward broadband infrastructure,  I’m thrilled that our state is finalizing 18 county-level digital equity plans to sustain digital inclusion  projects for years to come,” said Derek Zelkowski, Digital Equity Officer for the WV Office of  Broadband. 

To create these plans, the GWV team supported the creation of county-level Digital Equity Steering  Committees and hosted planning sessions in each county. Results from these meetings played a  key role in shaping the plans, drawing from local insights to assess the current state of broadband  access and digital literacy within their respective communities. The committees helped identify the  unique challenges within their communities and develop relationships between key local  stakeholders to address them. 

Each digital equity plan and a two-page factsheet for each county are available at Generation West Virginia will continue working with these communities to carry out the activities in their plans. This includes providing continued technical  assistance and grant writing support. 

About Generation WV: 

Generation West Virginia equips young West Virginians with key skills and career opportunities,  ensuring their ability to thrive in the Mountain State. By connecting young adults with resources,  opportunities, and each other through workforce development initiatives, GWV is committed to  building a stronger, more prosperous West Virginia for generations to come. To learn more, visit